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Av. Rafael E Melgar
Entre Calle 2 Nte y 4 Nte
Quintana Roo, MX 77600

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Freshly-brewed medium roast coffee.MX$35.0035.00 MXN

MX$30.0030.00 MXN

Espresso and hot water.MX$40.0040.00 MXN

Espresso and hot water. MX$45.0045.00 MXN

Espresso with steamed milk, topped with a layer of milk foam.MX$55.0055.00 MXN

Espresso with a dash of frothy steamed milk of your choice.MX$30.0030.00 MXN

MX$50.0050.00 MXN

Espresso with steamed milk and chocolate, topped with a thick layer of milk foam.MX$50.0050.00 MXN

Espresso with microfoam.MX$70.0070.00 MXN

Half espresso and half warm milk of your choice.MX$35.0035.00 MXN

MX$90.0090.00 MXN

MX$55.0055.00 MXN

Selection varies.MX$35.0035.00 MXN

Black tea infused with cinnamon, clove and other warming spices is combined with steamed milk and topped with foam for the perfect balance of sweet and spicy.MX$60.0060.00 MXN

Earl Grey tea, frothed milk, and vanilla syrup.MX$60.0060.00 MXN

other cold drinks
MX$45.0045.00 MXN

MX$45.0045.00 MXN

MX$75.0075.00 MXN

MX$40.0040.00 MXN

MX$30.0030.00 MXN

MX$35.0035.00 MXN

MX$35.0035.00 MXN

other hot drinks
Sweet chocolate and hot water. MX$49.0049.00 MXN

Spicy hot chocolate made with chile-infused milk, cinnamon, nuts and vanilla.MX$49.0049.00 MXN

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